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Open filter API Audio plugin technology k 1Today: Netshow http://www.microsoft.com/netshow/  2#  2Streaming network audio/video Multicast audio using RTP (real-time protocol) ASF file format, conversion, editing tools NT server  xToday: Interactive Music (Formerly BlueRibbon s AudioActive)=$  =xIntelligent interactive music Composes/Delivers music Based on expert system Human composer  authors templates Music always sounds fresh and original Look for it: PowerPoint  97, MSN Riff  0Soon: DirectMusic Contact: craighs@microsoft.com"1  1Consistent Playback of MIDI Music Internet support for Music DLS downloadable sample sets Optional software MIDI synth Internet MIDI jamming?  Soon:  Appelles  Expect an announcement soon! Animation Description Language Functional Paradigm Media Integration Implicit Time Language Integration (Java) Enable sophisticated Web animation Appelles Audio Capabilities: All audio types orthogonal Parametric Synthesis MIDI Audio Active Music Synthesis Streaming audio PCM Audio 3D Spatialized sound embedded in geometry Soon:  Talisman Audio http://www.microsoft.com/hwdev/devdes/talisman.htm/  L5 LHardware acceleration of: DSound/DSound3D Echo Cancellation Active Movie filter accelerator 32bit mixer DLS compatible synthesizer MODEM/Telephony$yy Soon:  Whisper http://www.research.microsoft.com/research/srg/  A1  AWindows Highly Intelligent Speech Recognizer Based on SphinxII Continuous speech recognition Speaker independent Context-free grammar decoding Soon:  Whistler http://www.research.microsoft.com/research/srg/  B1 BTrainable Text to Speech Synthesizer Training from human speech; maintains: Natural prosody Characteristics of original human Emotional control Uses NLP technology to parse text6N24N24 #Tomorrow: Conversational Interfaces $BMotivation: Given choice people communicate with speech People prefer natural language over  command languages anthropomorphism unavoidable w/spoken interaction$    GPersona Project http://www.research.microsoft.com/ui/persona/home.htm/  H8 HConversational Assistant as UI Spoken conversation (voice recognition/synth) Natural Language (in limited domains) Assistant w/Rich visual presence Simulates verbal and non-verbal cues$ ,Here s Peedy and Gene:   Conclusion: aMicrosoft is: Taking media very seriously Offering a solid foundation today Designing the future$TT b/ ! " # $ %&'P  ` ̙33` 3` 3333f` 999MMM` f` f3` 3>?" dX@0z?KX\@ H5dddH5KX`H5dd\d ?" dX(F 5d!!5X(CC5dddPR    @ ` ` p>> ?( 90   Tzgֳgֳ ?:` z ? Slide Title  #  Tzgֳgֳ ?6 z ;Body Text Second Level Third Level Fourth Level Fifth Level     <  T4zgֳgֳ ?D`d z [*  Tzgֳgֳ ?Dd  z ]*  Ttzgֳgֳ ?DK d z ]*`  Hd޽h @? ? raa  panel 0  O( I   TTzjJjJ ?O  I y* F!!CCdd  TzjJjJ ?  I {* F!!CCdd  ZzjJjJ ?O  I y* F!!CCdd  ZtzjJjJ ?  I {* F!!CCdd  TzUU?8 ' lPage *Z  )&&99LLp  01 ?$1  I#  T4zgֳgֳ ? 7 I ;Body Text Second Level Third Level Fourth Level Fifth Level     <<  c $? ? a( bZ0 (     TzjJjJ ?O  I y* F!!CCdd  TTzjJjJ ?  I {* F!!CCdd  ZzjJjJ ?O  I y* F!!CCdd  ZzjJjJ ?  I {* F!!CCddj  BA?ZU $d  <1?9 d  <1? 9<  c $? ? a(8f-$November 4th, 1996 &ICAD Industry Panel bZ@( @    f>gֳgֳ ?60P   H  0޽h ? raa8 hf-$November 4th, 1996 &ICAD Industry Panel bZ`(     f?gֳgֳ ?L   H  0޽h ? raa hf-$November 4th, 1996 &ICAD Industry Panel $ (      f@gֳgֳ ?:`      ftAgֳgֳ ?6^5   H  0޽h ? raa qf-$November 4th, 1996 &ICAD Industry Panel $(( ֳ ( (  f4Bgֳgֳ ?M    (  fBgֳgֳ ?V]  H ( 0޽h ? raa f-$November 4th, 1996 &ICAD Industry Panel $0(  0 0  fTCgֳgֳ ?:`    0  fDgֳgֳ ?6&   H 0 0޽h ? raa Εf-$November 4th, 1996 &ICAD Industry Panel $8( ֳ 8 8  fDgֳgֳ ?:|    8  f4Egֳgֳ ?D   H 8 0޽h ? raa f-$November 4th, 1996 &ICAD Industry Panel $@( ֳ @ @  fEgֳgֳ ?:n    @  fTFgֳgֳ ?|   H @ 0޽h ? raa Of-$November 4th, 1996 &ICAD Industry Panel $ H(  H H  fGgֳgֳ ?:n    H  ftGgֳgֳ ?{mk   H H 0޽h ? raa f-$November 4th, 1996 &ICAD Industry Panel $@P( ֳ P P  f4Hgֳgֳ ?:`    P  fHgֳgֳ ?}   H P 0޽h ? raa  [f-$November 4th, 1996 &ICAD Industry Panel $`X(  X X  fIgֳgֳ ?:`    X  ftJgֳgֳ ?6   H X 0޽h ? raa  f-$November 4th, 1996 &ICAD Industry Panel $`(  ` `  ftgֳgֳ ?q:    `  fgֳgֳ ?+.   H ` 0޽h ? raa  df-$November 4th, 1996 &ICAD Industry Panel $h( X h h  fgֳgֳ ?|    h  fgֳgֳ ?.,   H h 0޽h ? raa  Tf-$November 4th, 1996 &ICAD Industry Panel $p(  p p  fgֳgֳ ?::    p  ftgֳgֳ ?~J{   H p 0޽h ? raa  3f-$November 4th, 1996 &ICAD Industry Panel $x( ֳ x x  f4gֳgֳ ?+:    x  fgֳgֳ ?{1   H x 0޽h ? raa }Rf-$November 4th, 1996 &ICAD Industry Panel $(     fTgֳgֳ ?:      fgֳgֳ ?   H  0޽h ? raa  |f-$November 4th, 1996 &ICAD Industry Panel JB ( ֳ    ftgֳgֳ ?:`    0 HA  ?2e h $E 00 H  0޽h ? raa #af-$November 4th, 1996 &ICAD Industry Panel $@( X    fTgֳgֳ ?:`      f gֳgֳ ?6^G  H  0޽h ? raa 0 woP( X    B1 ?$1   E   f?gֳgֳ ? 7   qHi, I am Ken Greenebaum. I have been at Microsoft for a little over a year now. I joined the Talisman team to head up the media integration and synchronization for an animation system called Appelles. When first invited to participate on this panel, I thought it would be a great opportunity to talk about the exciting audio capablities of Appelles, a project I am very excited about. Give some nifty demos and be done. After considering a while, I decided that this was unfair. in my brief time here, I have been exteemely impressed with the progress made in recent years. And just how seriously Microsoft is taking media.  rH  0޽h/. ? a(  0 p( ?g    B1 ?$1   \   fT@gֳgֳ ? 7I    I am going to very quickly give an overview of a number of projects. In an effort for fairness, I have tried to include url s for web pages explaining these projects in more depth. Since these are difficult to copy quickly I will be making these slides available in some format available online after I return to Washington. EH  0޽h/. ? a( 0 $&(  $ $  B1 ?$1   d $  fAgֳgֳ ? 7x   Right now there exist solid media foundation libraries to accomplish most basic operations. Existing today, and to be released soon there are a host of exciting technologies. I have chosen some which I am free to talk about to share with you today. I wish I could demo them to you all today. Unfortunately there just isn t time. Finaly, as an example of future audio capabilities, we will briefly explore the Persona project and look at a demonstration. H $ 0޽h/. ? a(5 0 ,( ֳ , ,  B1 ?$1    ,  fBgֳgֳ ? 7  I First we will consider DirectSound. It provides a device independent mechanism for streaming audio at a reasonable latency. Input is coming soon. Multiple applications may produce audio at the same time; the output is mixed. The mixer allows for per stream control of samplerate and attenuation. Dsound provides an API for controlling 3D spatialized audio. Currently a simple software based renderer is provided, but soon more sophisticated hardware accelerated solutions will become available. H , 0޽h/. ? a(P 0 4(  4 4  B1 ?$1    4  ftDgֳgֳ ? 79   0 Active movie is actually a graph based connection archetecture. The initial release focused on movie playback and provided a software mpeg decoder. The next release will include video and audio capture capability. More interestingly active Movie is an open archetecture. The Software developers kit provides the API s needed to create your own filters. I know of two companies who are using ActiveMovie filters as the plugin archetecture for their audio related products. Expect to hear more about ActiveMovie soon. H 4 0޽h/. ? a(j 0 *"<(  < <  B1 ?$1    <  fEgֳgֳ ? 7    J$Netshow provides streaming network based audio and video, movies. The server is NT based. The audio is multicast using RTP. A streaming data format, ASF, including file conversion and editing tools is provided. The beta is available on the Internet for download at the address on this slide.  %H < 0޽h/. ? a(P 0 D( ֳ D D  B1 ?$1    D  fFgֳgֳ ? 7h   0Some of you may have heard of the Blue Ribbon soundworks and their line of unique products including SuperJam. Well, Microsoft acquired the company, products, Todor and the gang last year. Audio active, the Music synthesis engine, is now called The Interactive Music engine. Whatever it is called, the engine dynamicaly synthesizes music, based on a human composed template. The music may be dynamicaly controlled by the application and can last any length of time and always sound fresh and original time after time. Applications using these capabilities will be arriving soon. Checkout PowerPoint  97 and the RIFF MSN show! w@  @@``H D 0޽h/. ? a(\  0   0L(  L L  B1 ?$1    L  fGgֳgֳ ? 7   <You may have noticed the  Soon in the title to this slide. This and the next few technologies I will be sharing with you are all in the works, but are not available today. DirectMusic is a new API for controlling MIDI I/O. Its primary purpose is to provide consistant playback of MIDI Music accross hardware. This can be accomplished using the new DLS downloadable sample set standard in formation. Bassicaly the MIDI music along with the sampled instruments are transmitted. The samples get downloaded to the hardware or software synth. In this way an application, web page, or whatever can be carefully authored with the expectation that they will sound identical on any hardware. A software MIDI synth will be provided in the initial release. The group has even talked about providing internet based MIDI jamming sessions. I don t know how they plan to deal with network latencies... }@  @@``H L 0޽h/. ? a(  0   PT (  T T  B1 ?$1   ^  T  fTIgֳgֳ ? 7I    Appelles. My project. It has had a number of names associated with it and will have another official name soon. But I will reffer to it today by its internal name, Appelles. Sorry I don t have a webpage available to turn you folk to for more details. There will be an official announcement soon. Appelles is an animation description language which provides extreemely rich media integration and sense of time. Since we are describing what the desired effect is, and not imperitavely specifying the list of instructions to get there we are leaving the engine free to add significan value. Basically the engine knowing the current state of the world and how it will likely change into the future allows it to provide significant optimizations. Consider a 3D culling system which does not even have to consider objects which are out of the view frustrum and which can not possibly re-enter for the next two seconds. Or the user specifying a single behavior engine which controls 2 and 3D animation as well as audio with respect to time. It is then the engine s responsibility, not the user s, to provide the complicated pre-roll, etc needed for these events to be synchronized. The engine may be utilized in two ways. AXA, a ML inspired functional programming language we have defined. Or via our language integration using languages such as Java. FH T 0޽h/. ? a( 0 p\&(  \ \  B1 ?$1   d \  fgֳgֳ ? 7Y   rAppelles offers I think uniquely rich support for audio. Audio is a first class media in Appelles. We support quite a few forms of audio, and they are all exposed as the same primitive and may be applied orthogonaly. We support the basics, PCM audio, and MIDI, as well as some, well actually eventualy all of the technologies mentioned so far. We provide parametric audio synthesis. Imagine using a collision synthesizer to provide the appropriate collision sound based on the material types, relative speed and collision angle! (knock on podium, this vs THIS) The engine has all the information. We can embed sounds within 3D objects which are then animated. The location of microphones and camera are specified. We automaticaly spatialized the sounds. Using AxA we have defined paremetricaly controlable synthesizers which layer tiny bits of sampled or synthesized audio to form very rich, ever changing audio environments such as a seashore, tropical jungle, or audio cityscape. Best of all a for web support, all that needs to be downloaded across the narrow modem line is a tiny AxA description and a few small audio samples. s@  @@``H \ 0޽h/. ? a( 0 dc(  d d  B1 ?$1    d  f4gֳgֳ ? 7    Talisman has gotten a bit of publicity recently. Maybe you all heard about it at SIGGRAPH? Well Talisman is a pretty radical hardware archetecture for extreemely fast 3D rendering and Multimedia. Just considering Talisman audio capabilities Talisman is significant since it represents the first Microsoft support for DSP accelleration of audio algorithms. Such capabilities as Dsound and Dsound3D spatialized audio, echo cancelation, may all be accellerated.  H d 0޽h/. ? a( 0 NFl(  l l  B1 ?$1    l  fTgֳgֳ ? 7   nHWhisper is Microsoft research s speaker independent continuous speech recognition system. It is based on SphinxII and leverages the Natural Language processing research also being conducted in Microsoft research. Whisper runs on Pentium class PCs with standard audio cards. Whisper is currently available Beta. Please reffer to the web page for details. We will see a brief demo which includes Whisper in a little bit. H l 0޽h/. ? a( 0 \Tt(  t t  B1 ?$1   * t  fgֳgֳ ? 7    |VWhistler as you may have guessed is a project closely related to Whisper. Whistler is Microsoft Research s text to speech system. It is significant in that it does not attempt to completely syntheticaly synthesize speech, but rather is based on a database of actual human speech. In this way it realizes much more natural sounding speech than more conventional techniques which hapen to sound remarkably like drunken sweedes. H t 0޽h/. ? a(J 0  |( ֳ | |  B1 ?$1    |  fgֳgֳ ? 7   *Finaly we are talking about the Future: Conversational interfaces. Why conversational interfaces? Well, I think naturaly, that seems to be how people preffer to exchange information. That is why we are all gathered here, together, instead of only mailing papers to each other. It seem also natural that people preffer to use natural langauge over esoteric command languages. Lastly it has been shown that people attribute life to objects they converse with. How many of you reffer to you cars or computers by name? H | 0޽h/. ? a(b  0 "(     B1 ?$1      fgֳgֳ ? 7I    BHence Microsoft Research s Persona project. The Persona project is based on most every effort I have mentioned so far. Most notably the Whisper and Whistler technologies for speech recognition and synthesis. Persona is of course also highly leveraged on NLP technology. H  0޽h/. ? a( 0 VN0(     B1 ?$1   $   f4gֳgֳ ? 7o   v2The short movie we are about to see is an interaction between Microsoft Researcher Gene Ball, and Peedy the talking Parrot and DJ. This tape is over a year old, and doesn t represent the current state of the project. Lets take a look. A rather rich exchange. But it sure is slow. @  @@``H  0޽h/. ? a(/ 0 P(     B1 ?$1      f gֳgֳ ? 7w    Well, to sum up. Microsoft is very serious about multimedia, consider who they have been hiring recently! Microsoft is providing a solid and growing media foundation today. And Microsoft is commited to extending the state of the art. 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 -&TNPP &՜.+,0   $On-screen Showzj Times New Roman MS LineDrawArialpanel Video ClipAudio Taken Seriously; The present and future of audio at Microsoft Ken Greenebaum kgreene@microsoft.com Internet Platforms and tools Division Microsoft CorporationdSlides, other materials online: http://www.research.microsoft.com/research/graphics/kgreene/icad OverviewDToday: DirectSound http://www.microsoft.com/mediadev/audio/iaud.htmToday: Active Movie2Today: Netshow http://www.microsoft.com/netshow/ =Today: Interactive Music (Formerly BlueRibbons AudioActive)1Soon: DirectMusic Contact: craighs@microsoft.comSoon: AppellesAppelles Audio Capabilities:LSoon: Talisman Audio http://www.microsoft.com/hwdev/devdes/talisman.htm/ ASoon: Whisper http://www.research.microsoft.com/research/srg/ BSoon: Whistler http://www.research.microsoft.com/research/srg/ $Tomorrow: Conversational InterfacesHPersona Project http://www.research.microsoft.com/ui/persona/home.htm/ Heres Peedy and Gene: Conclusion:  Fonts UsedDesign TemplateEmbedded OLE Servers Slide Titles&_UKen Greenebaum  !"#$%&'()*+,-.0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Root EntrydO)PicturesG]Current User  SummaryInformation(!"#$%&'(),PowerPoint Document789:;<(ABCDEFGHI/yLDocumentSummaryInformation[\8abcdefghilmnopqrstuvwxyz{|