/**Java applets can be driven just like ActiveX controls. The script can
read and write the public variables of the applet, as well as call its
public methods (including passing parameters and reading return values).
Note that only the Applet-derived class is directly accessible from
the scripting language. If your Java applet includes other classes that
you want to be available to the scripting language, you must define
public methods in your Applet-derived class that delegate to those
classes. Note, in order to communicate from the applet back to the script,
you will need to make use of the Dispatch methods in the Java SDK.
Please refer to the java SDK com.ms.com.Dispatch documentation.
import com.ms.dxmedia.*;
import java.net.*; // For using URLs
// Here in the VBScript class, you see the R,G, and B data members. The
// updateColor method just passes the data along to the VBScriptModel model
// class, where it will be used to change the color of the sphere.
public class VBScript extends DXMApplet {
private VBScriptModel _Model;
VBScript() {
_Model = new VBScriptModel();
// Public method accessable to VBScript subroutines in Using_VBScript.html
public void updateColor() {
// Public method accessable to VBScript subroutines in Using_VBScript.html
public double R,G,B;
// Set up a simple model consisting of a sphere whose color can be switched
// upon notification.
class VBScriptModel extends Model {
public void createModel(BvrsToRun blist)
URL geoBase = buildURL(getImportBase(), "geometry/");
// Create the sphere's initial color.
ColorBvr initClr = colorRgb(0,0,0);
// Create a switcher behavior that will change whenever the scrollbars
// update the color.
sphereClrSw = new ModifiableBehavior(initClr);
// Create a sphere and apply sphereClrSw's behavior to it
GeometryBvr sphereGeo =
GeometryBvr coloredSphereGeo =
// Create a camera and light to render sphere.
CameraBvr Cam =
translate(0,0,50) );
GeometryBvr lightGeo =
// Display the color changing sphere.
union(coloredSphereGeo, lightGeo).render(Cam),
// The VBScript class accesses this method to update the color of the sphere.
// This is done by switching sphereClrSw to a color based on the R,G, and B
// values obtained from the scrollbars.
public void updateColor(double R, double G, double B) {
ColorBvr newClr = colorRgb(toBvr(R),toBvr(G),toBvr(B));
private ModifiableBehavior sphereClrSw;