// DirectX Media Windowless Control Template
// Copyright (c) 1997, Microsoft Corporation
// This template demonstrates how to construct an animation that
// makes use of IE4 windowless controls. It illustrates the following:
// - Using the modelmaker applet
// - Using the dxactrl (DirectAnimation windowless control)
// - Constructing the model and passing it to the control
import com.ms.dxmedia.*;
import ie4winless_module.*; // This gets ReactiveCube
import java.net.*;
// When designing windowless controls, the Java applet is used purely to construct
// the model. At runtime, hand the finished model over to the windowless
// control to be displayed.
class WindowlessModel extends Model {
public void createModel(BvrsToRun blist) {
// Create any type of animation you like here... it is completely up to you
// what goes into the model.
URL mediaBase = getImportBase();
URL geoBase = buildURL(mediaBase, "geometry/");
URL imgBase = buildURL(mediaBase, "image/");
URL sndBase = buildURL(mediaBase, "sound/");
// Here, the ReactiveCube module is used to create an
// animated cube which scales up from zero and reacts to the mouse
// Create a camera
CameraBvr Cam =
translate(0,0,40) );
// Create some lighting
GeometryBvr lightGeo =
// Import the images used for the faces
ImageBvr[] faces = {
importImage(buildURL(imgBase, "hiddenBeachSG.jpg")),
importImage(buildURL(imgBase, "hiddenBeachSS.jpg")),
importImage(buildURL(imgBase, "arches.jpg")),
importImage(buildURL(imgBase, "foliageUtah.jpg")),
importImage(buildURL(imgBase, "tulipsHol1.jpg")),
importImage(buildURL(imgBase, "redWoodCar.jpg"))
// Import a click snd
SoundBvr clickSnd = importSound(buildURL(sndBase, "fishbuck.mp2"), null);
// Instantiate a new ReactiveCube
ReactiveCube cube = new ReactiveCube(faces, clickSnd);
// Put some rotations on the cube to make it interesting
GeometryBvr cubeGeo = cube.getGeometryBvr(mediaBase).transform(compose(compose(
rotate(vector3(toBvr(Math.random()),toBvr(Math.random()),toBvr(Math.random())), div(localTime,toBvr(2)))),
// merge the lighting and cube geometry
cubeGeo = union(cubeGeo, lightGeo);
// Make the cube hide or show when clicked:
// First, declare a number which will go from 0 to 1 in 2 seconds
NumberBvr grow = slowInSlowOut(0,1,2,1);
// Second, declare and initialize a recursive number which goes from 0 to 1
// and back to 0 again on each rightButtonDown event
NumberBvr size = NumberBvr.newUninitBvr();
size.init(until( grow, rightButtonDown, until( sub(toBvr(1),grow), rightButtonDown, size )));
// Third, have the cube scale up from zero initially and then start the previous behavior
NumberBvr start = (NumberBvr)until( toBvr(0), timer(toBvr(2)), size );
// Now apply it to the cube as a scale
cubeGeo = cubeGeo.transform(scale3(start));
// The image is simply the rendered cube without any background.
// Since you want to overlay the windowless control with other HTML
// elements, specifically avoid a solidColor background.
// Here is the important part, rather than extending DXMApplet as usual,
// extend ModelMakerApplet. Aside from the name, the construction
// is exactly the same as if you were doing a normal applet.
public class WindowlessApplet extends ModelMakerApplet {
public void init() {
// Always call the super classes init first to ensure codeBase is set.
super.init() ;
// Now set the model.
setModel (new WindowlessModel());