import com.ms.dxmedia.*; direct animation libraries.
This class extends the DXMApplet class. The model you set in this class,
by calling the setModel() method, is the model that will be displayed. |
public class BasicApplet extends DXMApplet {
The start() and stop() methods of DXMApplet restart and stop the
DirectX Media animation loop already, so you don't need to implement
these methods if you don't have other activities you need to stop and
restart. |
Set the model in the init() method. |
public void init() {
Always call the super classes init first to ensure codeBase is set. |
super.init() ;
setModel(new BasicModel());
This class extends the Model class. The createModel method in this class
is where you construct your animation. |
class BasicModel extends Model {
Create the animation in the createModel method. In this example, we'll
just display a solid blue image. |
public void createModel(BvrsToRun blist)
Set the image that actually gets displayed using setImage() |