ImageBvr clouds,scene;
cellImage1 kite,ocean1,ocean2,palm1,palm2,palm3,beachboy;
URL mediaBase = getImportBase();
URL imgBase = buildURL(mediaBase, "image/");
URL geoBase = buildURL(mediaBase, "geometry/");
URL sndBase = buildURL(mediaBase, "sound/");
kite = new cellImage1(buildURL(imgBase, "kite.gif"),4);
scene = importImage(buildURL(imgBase, "scene.jpg"));
ocean1 = new cellImage1(buildURL(imgBase, "ocean.gif"),4);
ocean2 = new cellImage1(buildURL(imgBase, "ocean2.gif"),4);
palm1 = new cellImage1(buildURL(imgBase, "palm1.gif"),5);
palm2 = new cellImage1(buildURL(imgBase, "palm2.gif"),5);
palm3 = new cellImage1(buildURL(imgBase, "palm3.gif"),5);
clouds = importImage(buildURL(imgBase, "clouds.gif"));
beachboy = new cellImage1(buildURL(imgBase, "beachboy.gif"),2);
public class cellImage1 extends Statics {
public cellImage1( url, int frameCount) {
_BaseImg = importImage(url);
_FrameCount = toBvr(frameCount);
To get a particular frame of the cellImage, the author can make a call to
the showIndex method. This will return a properly cropped image. The
following code calculates the minimum and maximum points of the indexed
image, crops the entire image, then centers the new image. |
public ImageBvr showIndex(NumberBvr index) {
NumberBvr actualIndex = sub(sub(_FrameCount, toBvr(1)), index);
Bbox2Bvr frame = _BaseImg.boundingBox();
NumberBvr cellHeight =
NumberBvr cellMin = add(frame.getMin().getY(), mul(cellHeight, actualIndex));
NumberBvr cellMax = add(cellMin, cellHeight);
ImageBvr cellImg =
point2(frame.getMin().getX(), cellMin),
point2(frame.getMax().getX(), cellMax));
ImageBvr cntrImg =
translate(toBvr(0), sub(neg(cellMin),div(cellHeight,toBvr(2)))));
return cntrImg;
The loopStrip is a handy method that cycles through all the cells at the
indicated speed (in frames per second). |
public ImageBvr loopStrip(NumberBvr speed) {
return showIndex(
public ImageBvr _BaseImg;
public NumberBvr _FrameCount;
Here is how these two methods operate. |
private NumberBvr animateOcean(DXMEvent ev) {
Behavior[] calm = { toBvr(0), toBvr(1) };
Sequence for crashing wave. |
Behavior[] wave = { toBvr(2), toBvr(3), toBvr(2) };
Cycles through the calm values every 0.5 seconds. |
Cycler calmCycle = new Cycler(calm, timer(toBvr(.5)));
Cycles through the calm values every 0.25 seconds. |
Cycler crashCycle = new Cycler(wave, timer(toBvr(.25)));
Use an uninitialized behavior so it can refer to itself. |
NumberBvr animateOcean = NumberBvr.newUninitBvr();
The behavior is calmCycle until ev, then crashCycle for 0.75 seconds,
and then back to the initial state. |
until(calmCycle.getBvr(), ev,
until(crashCycle.getBvr(), timer(toBvr(.75)), animateOcean)));
return animateOcean;
private NumberBvr animateTrees(NumberBvr windSpeed, double seed) {
A jitter method gives a semi-random value that oscillates between
zero and one. |
NumberBvr jitter =
add(DxmNumber.smooth0to1(mul(sub(toBvr(1.2),windSpeed), toBvr(10*seed))),
As the wind speed increases, the trees tend to bend back. To get this
effect increase the cell image used. |
NumberBvr normalIndex = floor(mul(toBvr(3), windSpeed));
The final index jiggles the bent tree. |
return add(normalIndex, jitter);
Here, construct moving clouds by translating an infinitely tiled
image of clouds by the windDistance. |
Bbox2Bvr BB = clouds.boundingBox();
Vector2Bvr cloudPos =
vector2(neg(mod(div(windDistance, toBvr(200)),
sub(BB.getMax().getX(), BB.getMin().getX()) )), toBvr(0));
ImageBvr xfClouds = clouds.transform(translate(cloudPos));
ImageBvr movingClouds = xfClouds.tile().crop(BB.getMin(), BB.getMax());
Here, create an array of all the time-varying sprite images, using
loopStrip and showIndex where appropiate. |
ImageBvr[] sprites = {
Also create an array of points which will be used as the initial
positions of the above mentioned time-varying sprites. |
Point2Bvr[] spritePos = {
point2(toBvr( 0),toBvr( 0)),
point2(mul(toBvr( 78),pixelBvr),mul(toBvr(-100),pixelBvr)),
point2(mul(toBvr(-252),pixelBvr),mul(toBvr( -21),pixelBvr)),
point2(mul(toBvr(-250),pixelBvr),mul(toBvr( 20),pixelBvr)),
point2(mul(toBvr(-158),pixelBvr),mul(toBvr( 2),pixelBvr)),
point2(mul(toBvr( -98),pixelBvr),mul(toBvr( -1),pixelBvr)),
point2(toBvr( 0),mul(toBvr( 106),pixelBvr)),
Then apply the sprite translation to all the sprites, to move them
to their initial location. |
ImageBvr[] iSprites = new ImageBvr[9];
for(int i=0; i<9; i++)
iSprites[i] = sprites[i]
Overlay all the 2-D sprites (the first overlay is at the top
and the last will be at the bottom). This new composite is made
pickable for later use. |
PickableImage allSprites = new PickableImage(
overlay(iSprites[0], overlay(iSprites[8], overlay(kiteString,
overlay(iSprites[4], overlay(iSprites[5], overlay(iSprites[6],
overlay(iSprites[7], overlay(iSprites[2],
overlay(iSprites[3], iSprites[1] ))))))))));
Finally, obtain the upper right corner of the composite, which will
be used to scale the geometries. |
Point2Bvr imageUR = allSprites.getImageBvr().boundingBox().getMax();
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