
This sample textures a picture on both sides of a rectangle into what is called the geoImage. The geoImage preserves the original aspect ratio of the picture. The sample then animates the geoImage in 3-D space, including a page open/close simulation. The sample renders the geoImage on top of the original picture, which is displayed as a bitmap in the image plane.

2-D/3-D coordination is illustrated by flagging, with an audible click, the instance when geoImage lies on the image plane, in which case the textured rectangle and the original image overlap precisely. Furthermore, the projection of geoImage into the image plane is larger than the bitmap when it is closer than the image plane (positive Z) and smaller when further away (negative Z).

The right and left arrow keys advance pages forward and backward, respectively. (Don't forget to obtain focus by clicking the left mouse button on the applet). There is also a timeout event that automatically advances through the sequence of pictures.

For a short tutorial on this sample click this button: Tutorial

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