<CENTER> <APPLET CODE="FifteenPuzzle.class" </APPLET>CODEBASE="../../../../../media/" ID=fifteenPuzzleApplet WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=300 ALIGN=CENTER VSPACE=20> </CENTER> We use three VBScript buttons: 1) for switching the mode of the puzzle from 2D to 3D and back, 2) for cycling through different images for the puzzle, 3) for reseting the puzzle to it's original image and state. We first declare the buttons. |
<CENTER> <input type=button value="3D Puzzle" name="toggleProjectionButton"> <input type=button value="Donuts" name="toggleImageButton"> <input type=button value="Reset Puzzle" name="resetPuzzle"> </CENTER> We then use VBS as the glue between the buttons and the applet. Essentially each button invokes a corresponding subroutine below where the subroutine calls a corresponding public method in the applet and modifies the labels on the buttons as appropriate. |
<script language="VBScript"> <!-- sub toggleProjectionButton_OnClick document.fifteenPuzzleApplet.toggleGeomProjection if toggleProjectionButton.value = "3D Puzzle" then toggleProjectionButton.value = "2D Puzzle" else toggleProjectionButton.value = "3D Puzzle" end if end sub sub toggleImageButton_OnClick if toggleImageButton.value = "Donuts" then toggleImageButton.value = "Movie" elseif toggleImageButton.value = "Movie" then toggleImageButton.value = "Movie with Counter" elseif toggleImageButton.value = "Movie with Counter" then toggleImageButton.value = "Counter" else toggleImageButton.value = "Donuts" end if document.fifteenPuzzleApplet.toggleImageUsed end sub sub resetPuzzle_OnClick document.fifteenPuzzleApplet.resetPuzzle toggleImageButton.value = "Donuts" end sub --> </script>
public void toggleGeomProjection() { _model.toggleGeomProjection(); } public void toggleImageUsed() { _model.toggleImageUsed(); } public void resetPuzzle() { _model.resetPuzzle(); } |