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The Notification Object upon Puzzle Events

This object accepts a user event, and if it's a legal move (cell that is adjacent to the empty location), then the cell is transitioned and success sound is emitted, else illegal move sound is emitted.
class ImagePicker extends Statics implements UntilNotifier {
public ImagePicker(int row,
int col,
DXMEvent ev,
PuzzleLogic puzz) {
_row = row;
_col = col;
_ev = ev;
_puzz = puzz;

invoked through the untilNotify construct
public Behavior notify(Object eventData,
Behavior currentRunningBvr,
BvrsToRun lst) {

Behavior xf = currentRunningBvr;
int r = _puzz._emptyRow;
int c = _puzz._emptyCol;

check to see if this is a legal move
if (((Math.abs(_row - r) == 1) && _col == c) ||
((Math.abs(_col - c) == 1) && _row == r)) {

find cell positions before and after the move
Point2Bvr start = point2(toBvr(_col * _puzz._inc),
toBvr(_row * _puzz._inc));
Point2Bvr finish = point2(toBvr(c * _puzz._inc),
toBvr(r * _puzz._inc));

Build up a transform to move from orig to final in 0.5 second
double transitionTime = 0.5;

the vector from start to finish
Vector2Bvr delta = sub(finish, start);

pos begins at start and transitions to finish in transitionTime seconds
Point2Bvr pos = add(start, delta.mul(div(localTime, toBvr(transitionTime))));

extract a translation from moving position
Transform2Bvr movingXf = translate(sub(pos, origin2));

Use this transform, and after the elapsed time freeze in place using a snapshot event.
xf = untilEx(movingXf,
an alternative is: ,translate(finish.getX(), finish.getY()));

Set the new location of the empty cell
_puzz._emptyCol = _col;
_puzz._emptyRow = _row;

Set what position this cell is at now
_col = c;
_row = r;

emit success sound

} else {

emit illegal move sound
Return this new transform, waiting again for the pick event.
return untilNotify(xf, _ev, this);

int _row;
int _col;
DXMEvent _ev;
PuzzleLogic _puzz;

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