static final int PAGESIZE = 60; Album page size in pixels
static final double period = 3; duration of a page flip in seconds
static final double tiltAngle = Math.PI / 4; angle at which resting pages sit
static final double flipRate = (Math.PI - 2*tiltAngle)/period; the rate of a page flip
album pages are slightly off horizontal
resting position of left page |
static final Transform3Bvr leftTrans = rotate(yVector3, toBvr(-Math.PI + tiltAngle));
resting position of right page |
static final Transform3Bvr rightTrans = rotate(yVector3, toBvr(-tiltAngle));
static int numPics; the number of pages in the album
the three sound files that will be imported
the length of the start sound |
static NumberBvr startLen[] = new NumberBvr[1];
at the begining of a page flip |
static SoundBvr startSnd;
static SoundBvr flipSnd;
at the end of a page flip |
static SoundBvr endSnd;
the texture used for the album paper |
static ImageBvr paperTex;
static ArrayBvr picFrames; the pages of the album
The state of the album consists of four behaviors |
static NumberBvr leftInd; index to left page
static NumberBvr rightInd; index to right page
static GeometryBvr centerPage; the actual center page
static SoundBvr snd; sound associated with page flipping
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