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Utility Functions

Takes an index to a page and a direction of motion. Returns the given page animated in the proper direction, both left and right page flips are supported.
public static GeometryBvr flip(NumberBvr ind, int dir) {
orientation of page flip depends on dir
Transform3Bvr flipTrans = rotate(yVector3, mul(toBvr(dir),
mul(toBvr(flipRate), localTime)));
starting angle of page depends on dir
GeometryBvr page = ((GeometryBvr)picFrames.nth(ind)).transform(
(Transform3Bvr)cond(toBvr(dir == +1), leftTrans, rightTrans));
return page.transform(flipTrans);

Flipping a page commences with startSnd and transitions to flipSound, stereo sound is used to reflect the direction of the page flip.
public static SoundBvr flippingSnd(int dir) {
double panRate = 2/period; in period time it goes from 0 to 2
return (SoundBvr)until(startSnd.pan(-1 * dir),
in -dir speaker
timer(toBvr(1.0)), substitute for startLen
flipSnd.loop().pan(mul(toBvr(dir), varries from -dir to +dir.
sub(mul(toBvr(panRate), localTime), toBvr(1)))));

Pastes a picture on a unit-sized page while preserving its aspect ratio. The picture is left-centered. The extra space is filled with paper texture.
public static ImageBvr normalPic(ImageBvr pic) {
Bbox2Bvr picBbox = pic.boundingBox();
Point2Bvr ur = picBbox.getMax();
NumberBvr dim = maxNumBvr(ur.getX(), ur.getY());
ImageBvr croppedTex = paperTex.tile().crop(point2(neg(dim), neg(dim)),
point2(dim, dim));
return overlay(pic, croppedTex).mapToUnitSquare();

Constructs a number behavior which is a certain number or 0 depending on if the given key is pressed or not.
static NumberBvr keyIntegral(int key) {
NumberBvr cAngleRate = toBvr(Math.PI/8); rate of motion of camera angle
NumberBvr factor = (NumberBvr)cond(keyState(key), cAngleRate, toBvr(0));
return integral(factor);

Takes a page of the album and renders it into an image based on consistent camera and lights. Animates the camera based on the up and down arrow keys.
static ImageBvr renderPage(GeometryBvr page) {
create an interactive angle to animate the camera
NumberBvr initialAngle = toBvr(Math.PI/20);
NumberBvr cameraAngle = add(initialAngle,
use the angle to rotate the camera
Transform3Bvr cameraTrans = rotate(xVector3, cameraAngle);
CameraBvr camera = perspectiveCamera(toBvr(5),
scale the resulting image, map 1 unit to 50 pixels
Transform2Bvr scaleTrans = scale2(mul(toBvr(PAGESIZE),pixelBvr));
GeometryBvr scene = union(ambientLight, page);
return scene.render(camera).transform(scaleTrans);

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