
This is a cut&paste sample for a 3D photo album, which is easy to adapt to your favorite set of pictures and corresponding titles. The pictures are imported in JPEG or GIF formats and then normalized and textured on pages of a photo album in 3D.

You can flip the pages by using the right and left arrow keys to flip in the corresponding direction. (Don't forget to obtain input focus by clicking the left mouse button in the applet window). The flipping pages induce stereo sound effects that correspond to the position and orientation of the animation of the pages. Since this is rendered using 3D graphics, you can use the up and down arrow keys to rotate the album.

The key to this sample is a state machine with five states that control four reactive behaviors that represent the visual and audible state of the album. The state machine is implemented using the until construct and notification methods. It controls and coordinates two NumberBvrs, one GeometryBvr, and one SoundBvr.

For a short tutorial on this sample click this button: Tutorial

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