import Piece; import Pawn; import Game; import Board; import TokenInputStream; import java.util.*; import*; import Move; // class: Parser // // This class parses a PGN chess file into a Games made up of a list of Move classes. // To parse the game this class makes uses the Board, Piece, Pawn, King, Queen, Bishop, // Knight, and Rook classes. These classes are only used to parse the file when the // file is opened. The parser and these classes are not used while the animation is // running. // public class Parser { public int MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 256; public int MIN_GAME_LENGTH = 16; protected Vector m_games = new Vector(); protected int m_currentGame; protected static Board m_board; protected int m_xCapture = -1; protected int m_yCapture = -1; public Parser() { m_board = null; Pawn.m_parser = this; } public static Board board() { return m_board;}; void Reset() { m_board = new Board(); m_xCapture = -1; m_yCapture = -1; } void NotifyOfCapture(int x, int y) { m_xCapture = x; m_yCapture = y; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Function Name: Parsefile // Parameters: filename - name of PGN database // Returns: number of games parsed. 0 indicates an error occured. // Effects: // /////////////////////////////////------------------------------- Vector ParseFile(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException{ m_currentGame = 0; TokenInputStream is = new TokenInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename)); try { while(is.peek() > 0) { ParseGame(is); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("ERROR Parsing Game!!"); return null; } if ( m_currentGame > 0) return m_games; else return null; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Function Name: ParseGame // Parameters: is - stream to get the game from // Effects: parses the game. throws if there is an error. reads the // file until the error or the game has been read. // /////////////////////////////////------------------------------- void ParseGame(TokenInputStream is) throws IOException, Exception { char next; StringBuffer srcCopy = new StringBuffer(); Reset(); m_games.insertElementAt(new Game(),m_currentGame); char buf[] = new char[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; //move up to tag pair section next = is.peek(); is.setWhite("\r\n"); // read in all the tags while (next == '['){ int read = 0; read =,0,buf.length); String tag = new String(buf,0,read); Game current_game = (Game)m_games.elementAt(m_currentGame); current_game.m_tags.insertElementAt(tag, current_game.m_tags.size()); is.eatWhite(); next = is.peek(); } is.setWhite("\r\n\t "); // now we're at the beginning of the movetext if (next != -1){ while (is.peek() != 0) { if (ParseMove(is, srcCopy)) break; } } if (((Game)m_games.elementAt(m_currentGame)).m_moves.size() == 0) { m_games.removeElementAt(m_currentGame); } else { ((Game)m_games.elementAt(m_currentGame)).m_src = srcCopy.toString(); m_currentGame++; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Function Name: CharToType // Parameters: character identifying piece type // Returns: corresponding enumeration type // /////////////////////////////////------------------------------- int CharToType(char c) throws Exception{ switch(c) { case 'P': return Piece.PAWN; case 'N': return Piece.KNIGHT; case 'B': return Piece.BISHOP; case 'R': return Piece.ROOK; case 'Q': return Piece.QUEEN; case 'K': return Piece.KING; default: throw new Exception("Invalid piece code"); } } public static char TypeToChar(int c) { switch(c) { case Piece.PAWN: return 'P'; case Piece.KNIGHT: return 'N'; case Piece.BISHOP: return 'B'; case Piece.ROOK: return 'R'; case Piece.QUEEN: return 'Q'; case Piece.KING: return 'K'; default: return '!'; } } int FindChar(char buf[], char c, int len) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (buf[i] == c) return i; } return -1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Function Name: ParseMove // Parameters: input stream with cursor positioned at beginning of move to parse // Returns: True if the move signifies the end of the game // Effects: Adds move to move list (if appropriate) moves stream cursor to next element of movetext. // /////////////////////////////////------------------------------- boolean ParseMove(TokenInputStream is, StringBuffer srcCopy)throws IOException, Exception { char buf[] = new char[16]; int iEnd, i; int xTo, yTo; int xFrom = -1, yFrom = -1; char promote = 0; Move Result = new Move(); int srcType = Piece.PAWN; int len =, 0, buf.length); // copy this move for src srcCopy.append(new String(buf,0,len)).append(" "); // check to see if it's a move number if ((i = FindChar(buf,'.', len)) != -1) { if (i == (len - 1)) return false; else { // move number and real move together, so toss the move number info char temp[] = new char[16]; i++; int j; for (j=0; i < len; i++,j++){ temp[j] = buf[i]; } temp[i] = 0; buf=temp; len = j; } } // check for kingside or queenside castling if ( (new String(buf, 0, 5)).equals("O-O-O") || (new String(buf, 0, 5)).equals("o-o-o")){ // Queenside castling if (m_board.m_currentPlayer == Piece.WHITE) { m_board.MovePiece(4,0,2,0); m_board.MovePiece(0,0,3,0); Result.xFrom = 4; Result.yFrom = 0; Result.xTo = 2; Result.yTo = 0; Result.xFrom2 = 0; Result.yFrom2 = 0; Result.xTo2 = 3; Result.yTo2 = 0; Result.player = m_board.m_currentPlayer; } else { m_board.MovePiece(4,7,2,7); m_board.MovePiece(0,7,3,7); Result.xFrom = 4; Result.yFrom = 7; Result.xTo = 2; Result.yTo = 7; Result.xFrom2 = 0; Result.yFrom2 = 7; Result.xTo2 = 3; Result.yTo2 = 7; Result.player = m_board.m_currentPlayer; } m_board.m_currentPlayer = Board.OtherPlayer(m_board.m_currentPlayer); ((Game)m_games.elementAt(m_currentGame)).m_moves.addElement(Result); return false; } else if ((new String(buf, 0, 3)).equals("O-O") || (new String(buf, 0, 3)).equals("o-o")){ // kingside castling if (m_board.m_currentPlayer == Piece.WHITE) { m_board.MovePiece(4,0,6,0); m_board.MovePiece(7,0,5,0); Result.xFrom = 4; Result.yFrom = 0; Result.xTo = 6; Result.yTo = 0; Result.xFrom2 = 7; Result.yFrom2 = 0; Result.xTo2 = 5; Result.yTo2 = 0; Result.player = m_board.m_currentPlayer; } else { m_board.MovePiece(4,7,6,7); m_board.MovePiece(7,7,5,7); Result.xFrom = 4; Result.yFrom = 7; Result.xTo = 6; Result.yTo = 7; Result.xFrom2 = 7; Result.yFrom2 = 7; Result.xTo2 = 5; Result.yTo2 = 7; Result.player = m_board.m_currentPlayer; } m_board.m_currentPlayer = Board.OtherPlayer(m_board.m_currentPlayer); ((Game)m_games.elementAt(m_currentGame)).m_moves.addElement(Result); return false; } // check for end of game if (FindChar(buf,'-', len) != -1 || FindChar(buf,'*', len) != -1 || (new String(buf,0,4)).equals("draw")) { if ((new String(buf,0,1)).equals("*")) { Result.result = "Game ended"; } else if ((new String(buf,0,3)).equals("0-1")) { Result.result = "Black Wins"; } else if ((new String(buf,0,3)).equals("1-0")) { Result.result = "White Wins"; } else if ((new String(buf,0,7)).equals("1/2-1/2") || (new String(buf,0,4)).equals("draw")) { Result.result = "Draw Game"; } m_board.m_currentPlayer = Board.OtherPlayer(m_board.m_currentPlayer); ((Game)m_games.elementAt(m_currentGame)).m_moves.addElement(Result); System.err.print("parsed result: "); System.err.println(Result.result); return true; } // check to see if it's an annotation if (FindChar(buf,'$',len) != -1) return false; //!!! check for comments and RAV iEnd = len - 1; // move past extra annotations switch(buf[iEnd]) { case '+': case '#': case '?': case '!': iEnd--; } iEnd--; // check for promotion if ((buf[iEnd] == '=')) { promote = buf[iEnd + 1]; iEnd = iEnd - 2; } // now we're at the start of the dest location xTo = Board.StringToX(new String(buf,iEnd,2)); yTo = Board.StringToY(new String(buf,iEnd,2)); iEnd--; if (iEnd >= 0){ //move through capture indicator if it's there if (buf[iEnd] == 'x') iEnd--; // iEnd should be at the end of the src piece identification i = 0; while (i <= iEnd){ if ((buf[i] >= 'B') && (buf[i] <= 'R')){ srcType = CharToType(buf[i]); } else if ((buf[i] >= 'a') && (buf[i] <= 'h')) { xFrom = buf[i] - 'a'; } else if ((buf[i] >= '1') && (buf[i] <= '8')) { yFrom = buf[i] - '1'; } i++; } } // we've got all the information out of the string, now do something with it. Result = FindMove(srcType, xTo, yTo, xFrom, yFrom); if (promote != 0) { // and a "=Q" for piece promotion Result.promote = CharToType(promote); // and change the promoted pawn to whatever type m_board.PromotePiece(xTo,yTo,CharToType(promote)); } // add an ,xA0 if we need to explicitly notify of a capture if (m_xCapture != -1) { Result.xCapture = m_xCapture; Result.yCapture = m_yCapture; m_xCapture = -1; m_yCapture = -1; } ((Game)m_games.elementAt(m_currentGame)).m_moves. addElement(Result); return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Function Name: FindMove // Parameters: pieceType, square the piece is moving to, and // whatever knowledge about where it's coming from you have (xFrom & yFrom as -1 signify no knowledge) // Returns: string descibing move which you must delete // Effects: // /////////////////////////////////------------------------------- Move FindMove( int type, int xTo, int yTo, int xFrom, int yFrom) throws Exception{ Vector pieces; int i; int x,y; pieces = m_board.GetPiecesOfType(type); // filter out the other player's pieces i = 0; while(i < pieces.size()){ if (((Piece)pieces.elementAt(i)).GetColor() != m_board.m_currentPlayer){ pieces.removeElementAt(i); continue; } i++; } // remove pieces that don't match the rank or // file specification (if either is given) if (xFrom != -1){ i = 0; while(i < pieces.size()){ x = ((Piece)pieces.elementAt(i)).GetX(); y = ((Piece)pieces.elementAt(i)).GetY(); if (x != xFrom){ pieces.removeElementAt(i); continue; } i++; } } if (yFrom != -1){ i = 0; while(i < pieces.size()){ x = ((Piece)pieces.elementAt(i)).GetX(); y = ((Piece)pieces.elementAt(i)).GetY(); if (y != yFrom){ pieces.removeElementAt(i); continue; } i++; } } // remove pieces that cannot move to target square i = 0; while(i < pieces.size()){ if (!((Piece)pieces.elementAt(i)).CanMoveTo(xTo,yTo)){ pieces.removeElementAt(i); continue; } i++; } // check for putting King in check disambiguation if (pieces.size() > 1) { i = 0; while(i < pieces.size()){ x = ((Piece)pieces.elementAt(i)).GetX(); y = ((Piece)pieces.elementAt(i)).GetY(); if (!m_board.IsKingStillSafe(x, y, xTo, yTo, m_board.m_currentPlayer)){ pieces.removeElementAt(i); continue; } i++; } } // we should have removed all ambiguity; // assert(pieces->Count() == 1); if (pieces.size() != 1) { System.out.println("ERROR!"); // m_board.PrintBoard(); throw new Exception("Unresolved ambiguity"); } xFrom = ((Piece)pieces.elementAt(0)).GetX(); yFrom = ((Piece)pieces.elementAt(0)).GetY(); Move Result = new Move(); if (m_board.GetPiece(xTo,yTo) != null) { Result.xCapture = xTo; Result.yCapture = yTo; } Result.xFrom = xFrom; Result.yFrom = yFrom; Result.xTo = xTo; Result.yTo = yTo; Result.player = m_board.m_currentPlayer; m_board.MovePiece(xFrom, yFrom, xTo, yTo); m_board.m_currentPlayer = Board.OtherPlayer(m_board.m_currentPlayer); return Result; } }